Wednesday, October 20, 2010

If I Had My Life To Live Over!!!!

If I had my life to live over, I would go back to school. I would study more and more to have the best result. I would play with my friends. I wouldn't make many mistakes. I would enjoy every minute in my life. I would sit with my mother and talk with her more. I want to smell the olive twigs to keep the fragrant smell in my nose. so wherever I go my country smell keep it with me.

Deir Debwan

   I miss my home town of Deir Debwan in Palestine for many reasons. We had a bigger house than the house we live in now. I have a wonderful family living there.  It has very beautiful weather. I miss my mother and my father, I miss everyone there. Deir Debwan is the best town I've lived in for all reasons mentioned above.